Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is Friendship Worth it?

Friend. Friends should i put this. Friends are...a lot of work.  Let's not even get started on best friends. It's hard enough meeting new people, but some one that you just click with, and being friends with a person just because isn't a good idea either. Friendships, in my opinion, should be gone about the same way you look for a possible boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. (Oh would ya look at that, just like F.R.I.E.N.D.S) What you look for in a "partner" (that word + that context = just plain weird) are traits that make you feel like you could spend a long time this person, plan a future with them.

If you can't see you and this person and this person still being friends years from now, or even just a few months, then is it really worth putting in all that effort? Because what's gonna happen is, you're going to get stuck with them and feel obligated to at least try ad make it work, then you'll get tired of getting sucked into all the drama that friendship usually brings.
Now I'm not some friendless weirdo sitting behind a computer bashing people that just happen to be friends with some one. I'm not knocking friendships at all, I'm just saying that they are a lot of work so, associating yourself with people that you actually click with is essential to making it worth-while. I'm not ashamed to say that I don't have friends, not because I'm some kind of weird stalker murder that everyone is afraid of or anything...  X_X (by now you either thoroughly believe I'm not, or you thoroughly believe I am) but because I haven't found that person that you just like:
You:  "HI...we are officially the bestiest friends for ever and ever"
 Them:   "Umm...ok, well im just gonna, ya know, walk away now...yea"
Yea, those are the best kind...aaanyways it's not bad not having friends, its I good time to figure out who you are and want in a friend and what kind of friend you want to be. It's also a good time to find you confidence and comfort being on your own when you go some where and learning that, yes its more fun with other people and sometimes slightly less awkward, but you can have just as much fun on your own and you can take all the time you want doing whatever. That's not to say that I don't ever get lonely or that I don't want to have a sleepover and talk about boy and do spa treatment and have pillow fights and... errr never mind, but you know what I mean.
I've had my share of friends that weren't really friends, and I know what its like telling yourself that maybe once they get over that break up, or rejection, or whatever stress, maybe they'll return the favor and be good friends. Don't do that to yourself, move on let them find another sucker, because you're better off without carrying there weight and throwing yourself in puddles so they don't get their feet wet, just to have them wipe their shoes on your face on the way over.  You're better than that, and you need to give them the chance to figure that out.
What do you look for in a friend?
またね and later days (=^+^=)
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
                   -Leo Buscaglia



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