Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 4: Mirror Check

Have you ever had a day where you get all dressed up, do your hair, go all out with you make-up, and then just as your about to walk out the door you take one last look in the mirror and all the insecurities start flowing in? You start to nit pick everything, this shirt doesn't look right on you, those jeans squeeze just a little too much, your eyeliner just looks smudged, and your hair is already frizzing up. So now you only have too options. Option one, you can go out and spend the day worrying about who's giving you those weird looks, or if that group of people walking by and laughing are laughing at you. Option two, go take off everything and put on your trusty sweats and bun and call it a day.
Now you've spent 2 hours getting ready and pumped just to have your confidence diminished in less than five minutes by none other than your own worst critic...YOU. This one is quick and simple(and might even shave some time off of your getting ready time). So todays challenge, spend two hours, or four hours, or how ever long you want to take getting ready for a night/day out, but skip the last minute mirror checks(yes this includes cars, compacts, and windows.) No its not a blind make-up challenge, just don't give yourself the chance to chicken out because all the "flaws" only you see. Just head straight out the door. I mean you what don't know wont hurt you, right?
Its true that you are your worst critic. You build yourself up, then pick yourself apart trying to beat ever one to the punch. You mind tricks you into thinking you know what everyone else is thinking, and your not gonna let someone tell you what's wrong with you when you already know. Here's the thing though, no one else's opinion matters, unless your dressing up for your significant other in which case they should think you look amazing in whatever you're wearing(or not wearing 😜  ). As the saying goes fake it til you make it.
LATER DAYS  ^3^ <3
Haters are like crickets; they chirp all freaking day, but when you walk by them, they shut up.
                                  - Unknown

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