Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 5: Toxic-ships

No I don't mean ships in the ocean, I'm mean your relationships, be it with a significant other, friends, or even a family member. We all have some one in our lives that politely slap us in the face with rude comments and remarks. Maybe they made an ugly face when you asked how you looked, or when you told them what your dream was they said that you'd never make it. Whether they mean to hurt you or not, these kind of relationships are toxic. When some one close to you is constantly telling you negative things about yourself, you start to believe what they're saying because they are an important person in your life, so if they say it, it must be true. Right?  
If it's some one whom you confide in or look up and they're putting you down and stepping all over you, then its time to do some re-evaluating on your part. You need to re-think  what role that person plays in your life, but you also need to think about the role you play in theirs. I know that you get used to the snarky-ness   and you start to think "Oh, it just how they are. They don't really mean it", but if they can sit there and say that to your face and not to anyone else then there something fishy going on.
Like I said you also need to think about who you are to them. Does it seem like they rely on you a lot? Are you some one they come to with their problems? Are you their punching bag when they get stressed? Some times all it takes is sitting down and having a little chat. "Hey, you are an important person in my life. We have a close relationship/friendship and I don't want to lose that, but when you say those things it really hurts me...And makes me want to punch you in the face, but that's besides the point." Ok, so you might not want to add in that last bit, but you get the point.
Sometimes talking it out just doesn't work, or maybe it worked for a little while but they slipped back into old habits, or it put an even bigger strain on you both. In those situation it might be best to drop them and run. It sounds a little harsh but they're being pretty harsh to you. You've tried the nice way and you dealt with them for long enough, it's just the better choice for both of you because that person has developed a dependence on. They need to put you down to feel good about themselves, and they use you because  they know you wont go anywhere. WELL BYE!
So todays challenge is to take a look at the people in your circle. Do you have a toxic relationship with someone?
LATER DAYS (^o^) <3
“Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.”
― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass    

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