Sunday, August 3, 2014

Confidence Week: Day One


Ok this is my second time typing this so lets hope all goes well. This week is confidence week. For 7 whole days its gonna be you, me , and a whole lot of awkward moments in a quest to except yourselves and rock being you. Everyday ill post a new challenge the might put you a bit out of your comfort zone but will ultimately help you to become a more confident you.(Sounds like a generic base for all women commercials doesn't it?)
Day one is easy, all you have to do is read this and promise yourself to do this for you.(Oh no not the forbidden words!!)Yes, FOR YOU. You don't have to do this alone either, ask your friends to join you, after all the more the merrier right? This one was kind of short, I think it was a bit longer the first time a typed this... oh well, lets wrap this up.
Like a side before this week is going to be about you and helping you become more, as if I haven't said it enough let me spell it out, C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-S. Wow this is pretty short, I could ramble a little but to be honest, I have absolutely nothing going on in my life right now...sad I know, so. very. sad. (T_T) Aaaanyways  good luck!
"When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things."
~Joe Namath
Later Days (^_~) <3

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