Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 3: Let me take a selfie

Whether its alone. with friends, pets, or with your boothang, selfies can be cute and fun. Here's the thing though, when it comes to putting them online, some people start to take it a little too seriously. They put on full fledge "model makeup", pile on the filters, and send it to a dozen of friends to make sure its perf before they hit post. I'm not gonna sit here and lie, saying that I haven't done that multiple times in the past, and I'm not gonna say "you're a bad person for wearing make up and using a filter, shame on you!" I mean come on, a girls got to look good. Just don't cover yourself up so much that even you don't recognize you.
Challenge # 3
So today I want you to take a naked selfie. Now hold on, before you go jump outta your skivvies. I don't mean for you to be running around nooty booty snapping pics everywhere. What I mean, is try posting a pic with no make-up and no filters. That also doesn't mean to take pictures with your morning face still on, because i don't care how gorgeous you are, the only place a "pretty" morning face happens, is in the movies... period. (unless you have some special mask that lets you wake up beautiful, because if you do I need one.)And yes, I know the #nofilter fad has come and gone, but I think its something we should continue because it shows women, especially young girls (and boys and men) that your beautiful just as you are, plain and simple. So lets wrap this up.
Make-up is fine and dandy, but you shouldn't feel like you have to have it on for anyone to see your face. Remember this is about YOU, not anyone else, just you, but a guarantee you that guys are getting tired of seeing pictures that are soo processed, that they cant even see your face. Don't be afraid of what someone might say. I cant promise there wont be any mean comments, but what I can promise is that if you do get one, that comment has nothing to do with you, because it came from an irrelevant person with an irrelevant opinion. #NOFILTER #LIKEABOSS
When I was around 18, I looked in the mirror and said, 'You're either going to love yourself or hate yourself.' And I decided to love myself. That changed a lot of things.
                                                                      -Queen Latifah
Later Days (^_-) <3

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