Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 2: Put Your Face on

Day 2
Today is not about covering you flaws, it's all about accentuating your beauty. We all have days where you just notice every little thing, every bump, every line, every discolored spot, and it goes on and on. Those are the days that we pile on the foundation and do everything we can to avoid direct light. Now I'm not saying that make-up is bad but, I think that a lot of us use it in the wrong way. We become lipstick junkies and it gets to the point that some people cant even walk around their own house without "a little" something on.

With that being said, lets talk about a todays challenge. We'll start with foundation. Try skipping on the primer, then under eye treatments, then  two layers of liquid foundation, followed by powder, and try spot treatment. If you have really dark circles under your eyes focus on those. If pimples and dark spots are your main problem focus on that, and if shine is your issue use a light bit of powder to soften it up. Because with all those layers on you, your face cant breath which leads to sweating and clogged pores, which in turn leads to more pimples and dark spots.

  Ladies, lets cool it on the smoky eye okay? Yes, its pretty and sexy and mysterious, but lets save it for a hot date, or ladies night. Ease up on the two inch lashes and four coats of mascara, and your cat eyes don't have to blend into your hair. Try sticking to one simple color, something that complements your eye color, but don't put so much on that it over powers them. The same goes for eye liner and mascara. I love me some wings on my face windows but its not necessary to have an inch thick line. I myself hate mascara, do I use it? Yes, but very rarely and when I do I use it sparingly. On the lips however, have some fun, but remember that nude lips with a bit of gloss, or even a tinted chap stick can be just as cute and sexy as "Fire Engine Red" or "Deep Burgundy". So let wrap this up.

 We ALL have at least one thing that we don't like and want to cover up from the world, but dipping you face into a bowl of powder and ink isn't going to fix it. You've got to rock with what you've got, because when you stop hiding the face that your mother and father gave you, your REAL beauty, the one you cant buy in a tube. it shines through. And people aren't gonna see that pimple or scars or those lines, they're going to see the true you and hopefully you'll see her too.

“When I was your age...I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters.”
― Ilene Beckerman

Later Days (^0^) <3


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