Saturday, September 6, 2014

3 Ways To Kick The Blues

Everyone gets the "blues" from time to time, whether its to much stress, or not enough of the human contact A.K.A feeling lonely, or if you suffer from clinical depression and/or anxiety. No one likes feeling sad... do, it's just no fun, and it can be hard next to impossible to get over "the funk" as some would say. So im just gonna tell you some of the things i do when it hits me.
1. Dance Break
Blast your favorite upbeat songs and dance like nobody's watchin'. Let's hope nobody watching. Not only will trying not to trip and fall flat on your face disrtcat you, you'll be getting a great workout, plus all those endorphines cant hurt either. And if you're not into dancing, feel free to belt out notes as off key as you'd like.
2. Say Cheese
Even when you dont feel like forcing yourself to smile and laugh can lead you to acutally really start laughing. Dont go crazy with though, and i refrain from maniacally laughing in public(because thats just weird). If You need a little help, try watch some funny videos or movies.
3. Write About It
Try sitting down and writing every thing that you feel, every thought that comes to mind. write it like you're saying it out loud to some one. Dont worry about spelling or grammar just keep writing beacuse, once you finsh writing you gonna trash it, delete it, rip it up and burn it if you want, just get rid of it. It's a good way to get everything off your chest without having to go back and bring up old feelings. You can even record yourself if youd rather say it out loud. Just make sure to delete it and dont replay it.
There is absolutly NO SHAME in asking for help when you need it. Seeing a therapist is a great way to keep yourself from bottling up your emotions. And if all else fails, 4. just YouTube Anna Akana.
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
Later days  (◕‿◕✿)
Instead of a quote I thought this would be better.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is Friendship Worth it?

Friend. Friends should i put this. Friends are...a lot of work.  Let's not even get started on best friends. It's hard enough meeting new people, but some one that you just click with, and being friends with a person just because isn't a good idea either. Friendships, in my opinion, should be gone about the same way you look for a possible boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. (Oh would ya look at that, just like F.R.I.E.N.D.S) What you look for in a "partner" (that word + that context = just plain weird) are traits that make you feel like you could spend a long time this person, plan a future with them.

If you can't see you and this person and this person still being friends years from now, or even just a few months, then is it really worth putting in all that effort? Because what's gonna happen is, you're going to get stuck with them and feel obligated to at least try ad make it work, then you'll get tired of getting sucked into all the drama that friendship usually brings.
Now I'm not some friendless weirdo sitting behind a computer bashing people that just happen to be friends with some one. I'm not knocking friendships at all, I'm just saying that they are a lot of work so, associating yourself with people that you actually click with is essential to making it worth-while. I'm not ashamed to say that I don't have friends, not because I'm some kind of weird stalker murder that everyone is afraid of or anything...  X_X (by now you either thoroughly believe I'm not, or you thoroughly believe I am) but because I haven't found that person that you just like:
You:  "HI...we are officially the bestiest friends for ever and ever"
 Them:   "Umm...ok, well im just gonna, ya know, walk away now...yea"
Yea, those are the best kind...aaanyways it's not bad not having friends, its I good time to figure out who you are and want in a friend and what kind of friend you want to be. It's also a good time to find you confidence and comfort being on your own when you go some where and learning that, yes its more fun with other people and sometimes slightly less awkward, but you can have just as much fun on your own and you can take all the time you want doing whatever. That's not to say that I don't ever get lonely or that I don't want to have a sleepover and talk about boy and do spa treatment and have pillow fights and... errr never mind, but you know what I mean.
I've had my share of friends that weren't really friends, and I know what its like telling yourself that maybe once they get over that break up, or rejection, or whatever stress, maybe they'll return the favor and be good friends. Don't do that to yourself, move on let them find another sucker, because you're better off without carrying there weight and throwing yourself in puddles so they don't get their feet wet, just to have them wipe their shoes on your face on the way over.  You're better than that, and you need to give them the chance to figure that out.
What do you look for in a friend?
またね and later days (=^+^=)
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.
                   -Leo Buscaglia



Friday, August 29, 2014


So I don't really know where to start... I guess ill start with saying I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, things got a little hectic and I just didn't have the time. Every time I sit down to type, something always comes up. Within the last few weeks I've grown and discovered some things about myself, and I have a lot to talk about, so I have lots of posts coming soon. 

This is just an extremely short post that doesn't necessarily tell you were I've been or anything, just to let you know I'm back and working on some things for you. So AGAIN I'm sorry.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 5: Toxic-ships

No I don't mean ships in the ocean, I'm mean your relationships, be it with a significant other, friends, or even a family member. We all have some one in our lives that politely slap us in the face with rude comments and remarks. Maybe they made an ugly face when you asked how you looked, or when you told them what your dream was they said that you'd never make it. Whether they mean to hurt you or not, these kind of relationships are toxic. When some one close to you is constantly telling you negative things about yourself, you start to believe what they're saying because they are an important person in your life, so if they say it, it must be true. Right?  
If it's some one whom you confide in or look up and they're putting you down and stepping all over you, then its time to do some re-evaluating on your part. You need to re-think  what role that person plays in your life, but you also need to think about the role you play in theirs. I know that you get used to the snarky-ness   and you start to think "Oh, it just how they are. They don't really mean it", but if they can sit there and say that to your face and not to anyone else then there something fishy going on.
Like I said you also need to think about who you are to them. Does it seem like they rely on you a lot? Are you some one they come to with their problems? Are you their punching bag when they get stressed? Some times all it takes is sitting down and having a little chat. "Hey, you are an important person in my life. We have a close relationship/friendship and I don't want to lose that, but when you say those things it really hurts me...And makes me want to punch you in the face, but that's besides the point." Ok, so you might not want to add in that last bit, but you get the point.
Sometimes talking it out just doesn't work, or maybe it worked for a little while but they slipped back into old habits, or it put an even bigger strain on you both. In those situation it might be best to drop them and run. It sounds a little harsh but they're being pretty harsh to you. You've tried the nice way and you dealt with them for long enough, it's just the better choice for both of you because that person has developed a dependence on. They need to put you down to feel good about themselves, and they use you because  they know you wont go anywhere. WELL BYE!
So todays challenge is to take a look at the people in your circle. Do you have a toxic relationship with someone?
LATER DAYS (^o^) <3
“Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.”
― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass    

Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 4: Mirror Check

Have you ever had a day where you get all dressed up, do your hair, go all out with you make-up, and then just as your about to walk out the door you take one last look in the mirror and all the insecurities start flowing in? You start to nit pick everything, this shirt doesn't look right on you, those jeans squeeze just a little too much, your eyeliner just looks smudged, and your hair is already frizzing up. So now you only have too options. Option one, you can go out and spend the day worrying about who's giving you those weird looks, or if that group of people walking by and laughing are laughing at you. Option two, go take off everything and put on your trusty sweats and bun and call it a day.
Now you've spent 2 hours getting ready and pumped just to have your confidence diminished in less than five minutes by none other than your own worst critic...YOU. This one is quick and simple(and might even shave some time off of your getting ready time). So todays challenge, spend two hours, or four hours, or how ever long you want to take getting ready for a night/day out, but skip the last minute mirror checks(yes this includes cars, compacts, and windows.) No its not a blind make-up challenge, just don't give yourself the chance to chicken out because all the "flaws" only you see. Just head straight out the door. I mean you what don't know wont hurt you, right?
Its true that you are your worst critic. You build yourself up, then pick yourself apart trying to beat ever one to the punch. You mind tricks you into thinking you know what everyone else is thinking, and your not gonna let someone tell you what's wrong with you when you already know. Here's the thing though, no one else's opinion matters, unless your dressing up for your significant other in which case they should think you look amazing in whatever you're wearing(or not wearing 😜  ). As the saying goes fake it til you make it.
LATER DAYS  ^3^ <3
Haters are like crickets; they chirp all freaking day, but when you walk by them, they shut up.
                                  - Unknown

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 3: Let me take a selfie

Whether its alone. with friends, pets, or with your boothang, selfies can be cute and fun. Here's the thing though, when it comes to putting them online, some people start to take it a little too seriously. They put on full fledge "model makeup", pile on the filters, and send it to a dozen of friends to make sure its perf before they hit post. I'm not gonna sit here and lie, saying that I haven't done that multiple times in the past, and I'm not gonna say "you're a bad person for wearing make up and using a filter, shame on you!" I mean come on, a girls got to look good. Just don't cover yourself up so much that even you don't recognize you.
Challenge # 3
So today I want you to take a naked selfie. Now hold on, before you go jump outta your skivvies. I don't mean for you to be running around nooty booty snapping pics everywhere. What I mean, is try posting a pic with no make-up and no filters. That also doesn't mean to take pictures with your morning face still on, because i don't care how gorgeous you are, the only place a "pretty" morning face happens, is in the movies... period. (unless you have some special mask that lets you wake up beautiful, because if you do I need one.)And yes, I know the #nofilter fad has come and gone, but I think its something we should continue because it shows women, especially young girls (and boys and men) that your beautiful just as you are, plain and simple. So lets wrap this up.
Make-up is fine and dandy, but you shouldn't feel like you have to have it on for anyone to see your face. Remember this is about YOU, not anyone else, just you, but a guarantee you that guys are getting tired of seeing pictures that are soo processed, that they cant even see your face. Don't be afraid of what someone might say. I cant promise there wont be any mean comments, but what I can promise is that if you do get one, that comment has nothing to do with you, because it came from an irrelevant person with an irrelevant opinion. #NOFILTER #LIKEABOSS
When I was around 18, I looked in the mirror and said, 'You're either going to love yourself or hate yourself.' And I decided to love myself. That changed a lot of things.
                                                                      -Queen Latifah
Later Days (^_-) <3

Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 2: Put Your Face on

Day 2
Today is not about covering you flaws, it's all about accentuating your beauty. We all have days where you just notice every little thing, every bump, every line, every discolored spot, and it goes on and on. Those are the days that we pile on the foundation and do everything we can to avoid direct light. Now I'm not saying that make-up is bad but, I think that a lot of us use it in the wrong way. We become lipstick junkies and it gets to the point that some people cant even walk around their own house without "a little" something on.

With that being said, lets talk about a todays challenge. We'll start with foundation. Try skipping on the primer, then under eye treatments, then  two layers of liquid foundation, followed by powder, and try spot treatment. If you have really dark circles under your eyes focus on those. If pimples and dark spots are your main problem focus on that, and if shine is your issue use a light bit of powder to soften it up. Because with all those layers on you, your face cant breath which leads to sweating and clogged pores, which in turn leads to more pimples and dark spots.

  Ladies, lets cool it on the smoky eye okay? Yes, its pretty and sexy and mysterious, but lets save it for a hot date, or ladies night. Ease up on the two inch lashes and four coats of mascara, and your cat eyes don't have to blend into your hair. Try sticking to one simple color, something that complements your eye color, but don't put so much on that it over powers them. The same goes for eye liner and mascara. I love me some wings on my face windows but its not necessary to have an inch thick line. I myself hate mascara, do I use it? Yes, but very rarely and when I do I use it sparingly. On the lips however, have some fun, but remember that nude lips with a bit of gloss, or even a tinted chap stick can be just as cute and sexy as "Fire Engine Red" or "Deep Burgundy". So let wrap this up.

 We ALL have at least one thing that we don't like and want to cover up from the world, but dipping you face into a bowl of powder and ink isn't going to fix it. You've got to rock with what you've got, because when you stop hiding the face that your mother and father gave you, your REAL beauty, the one you cant buy in a tube. it shines through. And people aren't gonna see that pimple or scars or those lines, they're going to see the true you and hopefully you'll see her too.

“When I was your age...I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters.”
― Ilene Beckerman

Later Days (^0^) <3