Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Failure to Launch

   And just when you think you've got your life together, everything goes to 💩.

  I thoroughly believe that life is the hardest between your early 20's and mid-30's, because that's when most of your decisions about who you are will be made. This is the time where you're figuring out what you really want to do with your life, you're getting married, having kids, discovering your sexuality, and becoming comfortable with yourself. There are a lot of places to screw things up here, and lets be honest, it going to  happen. (Although to be honest, you never really stop screwing up, you just get too old to care).

  We all tend to overload ourselves with the things we "have to do before we get too old", and that's where the mistakes start rolling in. We rush into things because we think there's a time frame and we forget to stop and think "is this what I really want", because once that times gone, its gone. *POOF* From the beginning of junior year in high school we are pressured to pick a college, pick a major, pick a life; And honestly what 16 year old is thinking about the future, I mean REALLY thinking, not just two or four years ahead but the years after that. Its hard enough going to college once, but again and again because you keep jumping into it without trying to figure out why it went wrong the first few times. The same goes for relationships too, getting a divorces aren't quick and they're not easy, they cost money and time, not to mention if you have kids, they're a blessing yes(kids of course not divorces...though I guess sometimes they are), but when you have them things in general just get complicated.

 It is perfectly fine to take a 1 or 2 year break after high school to get situated (though I wouldn't take too long), and it is also perfectly fine to date someone for 5 or 8 or how ever many years before you get married or decide kids are must (you know what i mean, if you don't you use it you'll lose it, but you just don't have to rush). So lets wrap this up.

 Don't let people asking if you're married, or in a relationship(whether you have kids or not), or if you're enrolled in a college, pressure you into thinking you need just get it over with, because what YOU do with YOUR life doesn't affect them, YOU are the one that has to live with your choices.

“Most people don't grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging.”
― Maya Angelou

Later Days (^_~)

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Soak It All Up

    Introverts, wallflowers, shy people, whatever you want to call us (except stuck-up never ever call us stuck-up) we're the quiet people behind everyone trying extremely hard to blend into the background. We get a lot grief for it and we get the same questions, "Omg, do you like ever talk?" or "Why are you sooo quiet?" But the thing is not everyone wants to change, some people are very content with being alone and in the back. Yes, it comes with some obvious drawbacks, like the occasional "(in a meek voice)umm, I just said that...", and of course by "occasional" I mean in EVERY. SINGLE. CONVERSATION. you'll ever have. Or when you hold the door open for someone and they walk in without a single glance, (¬_¬) "jerk", and those extreme cases when someone actually has the COJONES to cut you in line. WHAT!? And then they say "oh I didn't see you..." or they don't even acknowledge you at all... again WHAT!?

Even with all those great things, there are still some "perks of being a wallflower" (pun intended) and yes I know its not grammatically correct but I had to make it work. But for real, there are some advantages to being "unseen". You see a group of people talking and their conversation sounds pretty interesting, I mean REALLY juicy, so you slowly side step until you're just in ear shot, and no ones the wiser; or avoiding being drug into a conversation you'd really rather not be involved in. One of the best things is that you get to learn life lessons, you learn things about people without having to deal with the heart break of discovering them after the fact. So lets wrap this up.

You never know what a persons reasons are for being the way they are, you never know their struggles, and trying to change them or "fix" them isn't going to make them a better person. If they want to change         (for themselves) it might be something that they've got to handle on their own, (its ok to ask for help).
It takes time to figure out who you are, and you may not get there for a long while, there's no specific time you have to find yourself by. "Where are you, you're late?" "I'm still looking for you, can you give me the directions again?"

“So I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. and maybe we'll never know most of them.”
"Perks of Being a Wallflower"

Later Days <3

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